Events Code of Conduct
Background and Purpose
The American Hotel & Lodging Association (“AHLA” or “Association”) is a national, nonprofit trade association and the largest hotel association in the U.S. representing all industry segments. AHLA maintains and enforces the highest standards of ethics and conduct.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish minimum expectations of behavior for individuals attending AHLA-sponsored meetings and events (“AHLA Events” or “Event(s)”). It is supplemental to any other applicable Association rules and it applies to all individuals on premises at AHLA Events.
Expected Conduct
AHLA seeks to provide a conference environment in which all participants feel safe and are treated with respect. In order to create that environment, participants are expected to maintain appropriate standards of behavior by refraining from conduct that may be (or perceived to be) harmful to themselves, other participants, AHLA staff and/or other third parties.
Types of conduct that AHLA considers inappropriate includes, but is not limited to:
- Harassment, which is defined for purposes of this policy to include (i) unwelcome or offensive verbal, visual, or physical contact directed at any employee, member, contractor, or other individual, including conduct or comments that a person would reasonably find offensive
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking, inappropriate photography or recording; and
- Sustained disruption of talks or other events.
Note that conduct acceptable to one person may be offensive to another. Thus, the Association will not tolerate unwelcome jokes, comments, gestures, or other expressions, however intended.
Some examples of unacceptable behavior are:
- Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory comments, slurs or unwanted sexual comments, advances, or invitations;
- Visual conduct such as derogatory posters, photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures;
- Physical conduct such as assault, unwanted touching, blocking normal movement patterns or interfering with work of another because of his or her sex or race of any other protected characteristic;
- Threats and demands including warnings of physical harm or demands to submit to requests for sexual favors in order to keep one’s job, advance in position, or to avoid loss or offers of job benefits; and
- Retaliation, revenge, or retribution for having reported or threatening to report harassment.
Consequences of Participant Engagement in Inappropriate Conduct
Participants asked to stop engaging in inappropriate conduct are expected to comply immediately.
AHLA, in its sole discretion, will determine the nature of the participant conduct that warrants corrective action as well as the corrective action to be taken. Corrective actions may take one of the following forms: verbal warning; expulsion from the conference event; expulsion from the conference with no refund of conference fees; bar from future AHLA and AHLA affiliate conferences and events, removal of AHLA director; and/or stripping a AHLA member of his or her company’s membership in AHLA. AHLA, however, has no obligation to use any one or more of these forms of corrective action prior to revoking membership, in accordance with AHLA procedures.
Any or all of these actions can be omitted as AHLA deems appropriate, in its discretion. If you believe you are being subjected to inappropriate conduct, believe someone else is being subjected to inappropriate conduct, or have any other concerns, please contact the Event manager or a member of the AHLA executive leadership team as soon as possible.
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please contact hotel security or local law enforcement.