John Lancaster
Vice President Emerging Markets Development and Owner Relations Choice Hotels International
Prior to joining Choice hotels Mr. Lancaster had extensive on property hotel experience with his held many positions including Director of Marketing and General Manager at multiple properties. He joined Choice as the Director of Global Sales Sourcing and Solutions where he oversaw sourcing and sales technology. He quickly found his opportunity to on the development team as the Director of Emerging Markets where he pushed the boundaries of hotel ownership engagement, He was then promoted to RVP Signature brands for Mid-Atlantic Region. He is on a mission to educate, inspire and motivate underrepresented minorities about the benefits and simplify the process of hotel ownership. During his 7-year tenure in Development at Choice, he has personally helped 100+ underrepresented minorities (African American, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Veteran Americans and Women) achieve hotel ownership under the Choice flag and influenced countless others within and outside of the industry in hotel ownership. Mr. Lancaster was promoted to the Senior Leadership team and oversees the Emerging markets department and was responsible for developing and leading the Choice Hotel Owners African American Alliance council.
Choice Hotels International® is committed to achieving greater diversity in the lodging industry and Increasing the number of underrepresented minority owners is a key corporate initiative. As such there is dedicated personnel focused on this effort. Choice has industry leading Diversity Incentive Programs that are designed to provide additional financial resources to new diverse hotel developers.